
The Hopkins Undergraduate Society for Applied Mathematics (HUSAM) is excited to announce the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Research Exchange (MATRX), scheduled for March 9, 2024 at Johns Hopkins University. We envision MATRX as an annual celebration of undergraduate research in mathematics, a forum at which students from the greater Baltimore-DC region may share their recent work either via presentation or poster.

UPDATE (4 March): Please see below for a booklet which includes a scheduled list of presenters.

The day will begin and end with presentations by distinguished keynote speakers. Lunch and dinner will be provided.

The conference costs $40 to attend, plus $10 for lunch and $25 for dinner. The cost of registration is waived and the cost of food is halved for those who contribute a research talk or poster. For information about registration and submitting a presentation, see the Registration page.

For further information, any questions may be directed to [email protected]. Download our flyer below!


Dept. Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Johns Hopkins University

Prof. Zachary Pisano (lead organizer)

Xinyue Gu

Lucy Wu

Diana Leigh Neste